Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell 



Campus UAB; 08193Bellaterra(Barcelona)Spain
E-mail: ada.ferrer"AT"
Tel.:00 34 935806612





Tenured Scientist at the Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica, (CSIC)


Academic Honors

Barcelona School of Economics faculty; IZA Fellow; INSIDE and MOVE member

Director of the World Well-Being Panel


ICREA researcher;VENI fellowship; TI Fellow; UvA (FEE);

Member of EU projects EPICURUS, Health@Work, and "GINI".

PhD's at UvA/Tinbergen Institute & at RPI.

Associate editor (board) of JEBO (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization), April 2011- October 2016


Interview at the Catalan national radio on economic growth and happiness (in catalan);

Video the economics of happiness;

Article in La Vanguardia on happiness (in catalan) (in spanish)